Dear sweet Finn. . .

It’s with great sadness that I write to report that dear sweet Finn passed away very peacefully this evening. He spent some good long quality time with me outside this morning, laying on the porch smiling with his fur feathers blowing in the breeze.

The photos below really capture Finn and his sister Lola (who passed away a few years back). Finn was a real character with such a cool personality. He was like a little human. So devoted and attentive. Such soulful eyes. Intelligent. Intuitive. Larger than life. There was something extra special about Finn. He really enjoyed himself for 13 good years on this earth. He brought everyone so much joy. And taught us all a lesson in how to take it easy and enjoy yourself.

I am going to miss him so very much. He was a wonderful companion. I feel so lucky to have had the privilege of loving him and having him in my life for 13 years. You lit up our world Finn. I will truly miss you being by my side on our morning walks, on the kayak, in the stream near Laurel Lake, on car rides and laying on the grass at the reservoir watching the clouds roll by on a summer day. . . Dear sweet Finn.


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