Death by Zip Code in York County

“People living in 17401, downtown York City, have an average life expectancy of about 73 years, whereas people living in 17402, suburban York County, have an average of about 82 years. When one takes a look at some of the other disparities, why this is so becomes clearer.”

Posting this OP ED from 2020 because we’re still in pretty much the same place. DEATH BY ZIP CODE IN YORK COUNTY. Why? Because we haven’t followed through on our promise to implement the Rusk Report solutions and “TIME IS NOW Action Plan” solutions to eliminate the concentration of poverty in York County.

This zip code injustice in York County is fixable. We know the solutions and have known them for DECADES (see detailed comprehensive solutions at Rusk Report link and “TIME IS NOW Action Plan” link below). What on earth are we waiting for? Why haven’t we asked our leaders to follow through on implementing these well known solutions?

🔵 Here’s the OP ED. Pretty Powerful.

🔵 Link to all three Rusk Reports with real solutions for York County:

🔵 Here’s a link to the “TIME IS NOW ACTION PLAN. This is a detailed plan to improve life in York County in fundamental and far reaching ways by addressing key problems at their root. “The Time is Now” action plan was sponsored by the York County Community Foundation, York College, Wellspan, Better York, the United Way and other key organizations around York County. York County business, political and community leaders spent years developing this high quality action plan and its recommendations are based on the comprehensive solutions described in the Rusk Report:

Please like, follow & share “The Time is Now Action Plan and Communities of Common Interest.” Here’s the link to that page:

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